Letzte Aktualisierung am 16.02.2025, 18:02:24 Uhr
Um das Tool DeskUpdate von Fujitsu auf einem Rechner/Notebook installieren zu können, ist .NET Framework 4 erforderlich
Mit einer Zeile lässt sich das Programm unbeaufsichtigt installieren und konfigurieren:
FTS_DeskUpdateSetup_5010064_1238862.EXE /SILENT /LANG=de /TASKS="*!checkdesktopicon,*!checkquicklaunchicon,checkstartmenu"
FTS_DeskUpdateSetup_5010064_1238862.EXE /VERYSILENT /LANG=de /TASKS="*!checkdesktopicon,*!checkquicklaunchicon,checkstartmenu"
Es wird in beiden Beispielen ein Eintrag im Startmenü erzeugt, aber kein Desktopsymbol.
Version | Hersteller | Mirror | Hashwert (SHA256) |
5.01.0064 | Download | c8b60b88b27364d5aac11689c4fe597b90e171ed6fffbc85ac6e84da91673388 | |
5.02.0030 | Download | Download | 2ab60f7f03fc302145f873da983ab896df323a622778c4a48147ed286fc5aede |
5.02.0056 | Download | ad38663e34b616f81eb6a78750c9051c8967dbfd987e717bc76dc821c87a5155 | |
5.02.0064 | Download | Download | 2e4c6a201c0469d7bffc809c111c4ddb6a16601b60eab5f81088d658e75e0d59 |
Hello, Here is the latest URL I think :
Hello Vincent,
thank you. I added the link to the table,
Can someone provide me the url from de Deskupdate Setup v5.2.30.0?
I cant find it on the Fujistu site. I only find the exe-file from the portable version @ https://support.ts.fujitsu.com/IndexDownload.asp?lng=en
Hi Stijnm,
of course. Here the download link for 5.02.0030.
Hi, thx for the anwser!
The exe-file isnt working though. The /SILENT or /VERYSILENT parameters don’t work.
I still get a window from Deskupdate with 2 buttons (Start and Extract…) and my installation doenst go any further until i do an action.
My fault. I posted the wrong link. The correct one you find now in the thread above.
Isn’t this still the same link/url?
I do not correct the link in my comment, but in the the blog article.
5.02.0026 download url :
It works great 🙂 I was able to update all my Fujitsu computers to the last version using remote deployment through Datto RMM.
Do you know if it possible now to run the scan & update silently ? Thanks.
Hello Vincent,
take a look to ducmd.exe. You find the command line tool in the installation folder of fujitsu deskupdate. With Parameter -h or /? you get a overview ober the possible parameters.
Hello, with the new 5.1 version (https://support.ts.fujitsu.com/Deskupdate/index.asp?lng=en&LC=yes) the command line doesn’t work anymore 🙁
Hello Vincent,
thanks for the hint. Fujtisu provides out of the box two versions of DeskUpdate. On the offical website their shows only a portable version. This works without installation.
My article based on the installer version. So i refreshed the content and added the direct download link of the latest version of it.Please, try it again.
Oh yes it works 🙂
Just a note, on the first download url, there is a mistake and the end of file extension which contains a ‚.
Thanks, i fixed the download url.